A client challenged Array to help increase the number of patients who can be scheduled per day for an MRI, which was at a 75% utilization rate. Due to the complex interactions between the staff resources and the imaging equipment, we decided to use a simulation to provide a platform for our client to change the quantity and responsibilities of different staff resources, allowing them to see the impact of each scenario they created. Integrating Simio simulation models into our toolset gives Array the opportunity to present the impact of several options, empowering clients to make informed decisions around their resource utilization.

The simulation study revealed that adding an MRI tech was not the most effective use of resources. Instead, a new scenario was added, in which the X-ray tech escorts patients from the waiting room to the changing rooms and performs the final metal screening. Through simulation, we found X-ray tech utilization is higher when they also transport and screen MRI patients. More detail can be found in my paper on the exercise and the presentation I gave at the conference.